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Hello, I am a digital artist based in Seoul, Korea. When I was a college student, I scribbled on a napkin at a cafe and made my character "Cabbit" that combines rabbit and cat. After that I've been made calendars for 9 years to see Cabbit everyday. With that opportunity, I've been studying various drawing tools and art trends for years. I entered the crypto art space since 2022, exhibiting digital artworks all over the world. I like drawing traditional Korean material such as a moon jar. As I think, the moon jar is a traditional object that I like, as it is also a dreaming utopia. I am illustrating various episodes that wish for good fortune through animals in the moon jar.


안녕하세요. 엘리입니다. 대학생 때 카페에서 낙서를 하다 우연히 토끼고양이 캐빗(Cabbit)을 만들게 되었고 캐빗을 매일 보고 싶어서 달력을 만들게 되었습니다. 달력을 계기로 지금까지 다양한 그림툴과 예술 트렌드를 공부하고 있습니다. 2022년부터 NFT art 분야에 입문하여 화조도, 일월오봉도, 고려청자 컬렉션을 오픈하였고, 최근에는 달항아리 컬렉션을 주로 그리고 있습니다.  달항아리는 제가  좋아하는 전통적인 오브제이면서,꿈꾸는 유토피아,무릉도원이기도 합니다. 달항아리 안에 행운을 기원하는, 희망하는 다양한 에피소드를 동물들을 통해서 그려내고 있습니다.



Main collections

Moon jar collection 2 (2023)

ELLIE (@ELLIE0304) | Foundation 

Moon jar collection 1 (2022)


Goryeo celedon collection (2022)


Weple new year exhibition-The grand prize (2023)


KottenSeed X MindArtProject Contest "Seed" -Popularity award (2023) 


Exhibition & Experience

Solo exhibitions

2023.03  Ellie's exhibition: Moon jar collection (Gallery Seocho, Seoul, Korea)

2023.04  Ellie's exhibition: Flower moon jar (Ulsan, Korea)

Group exhibitions

2022.12  aMazed inner beauty Physital exhibition (Seoul, Korea)

2022.12  Na;눔 NFT Artist exhibition (Seoul, Korea)

2023.01  u-Rock NFT exhibition "What is your pattern" (Ulsan, Korea)

2023.01  Weple new year exhibition, exhibited as a grand prize (Seoul, Korea)

2023.01  aMazed inner beauty art exhibition (Seoul & NYC & Spatial)

2023.01  Winter NFT exhibition (Osaka LUCUA, Japan)

2023.03  NFT as ART-NFT international exhibition ( Hi-five Gallery, Japan)

2023.03  u-Rock NFT exhibition "Start" (Maison brezel, Korea)

2023.03  Matter and Digital (Roun gallery, Seoul, Korea)

2023.04  Decent Wallet X NFT artist (Stan by B gallery, Seoul, Korea)

2023.05  Green (Gallery Seocho, Seoul, Korea)

2023.06  Nam June Paik -Young artist (Digital Spazio We;R in Lotte, Korea)

2023.07  A summer fairy tale (Gallery Geoje, Korea)

2023.07  Art on Loop (Brussels/Paris/Amsterdam)

2023.12  HAS 2023 (Lotte hotel, Ulsan, Korea)

2023.12  Save the bees, save the earth (Weple gallery, Seoul, Korea)

2024.04  NFT.NYC 2024 (North Javits, NYC)

2024.07  URBAN BREAK 2024 (Coex, Korea)

2024.08  BANK ART FAIR 2024 (Setec, Korea)



2023.03  THAF 2023 (The holy art gallery/ London, England)

2023.11 GIAF 2023 (Sejong museum of art, Seoul, Korea)

Twitter space

2022.12  Korea& Japan NFT artist Talk space

2023.04  AMA with eggverse (Ask me anything session)



2023.07 Artist Talk Magazine vol 26

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